

Proud to be an Appalachian State Mountaineer! I love my Carolina artists, especially my fellow Mountaineers Eric Church and Luke Combs. Living a...Full Bio


Why Did Hardy Name His Tour "Quit!!"?

Hardy just announced his "Quit!!" Tour, which will be coming to Charlotte on June 14th. But just why did give his tour this name?

According to Hardy in his new spoken word track by the same name, he was playing at a bar when a person wrote "Quit!!" on a napkin and put in his tip jar. You can listen to the full story below, but beware, there's LOTS of language in this video, so be sure to put your headphones on if you're at work. =)

That person put a chip on Hardy's shoulder that propelled him to continue pursuing his career, eventually landing the ACM Songwriter of the Year Award in 2022.

If you love Hardy like we do, be sure you're listening to Paul & Sarah Lee all this week. They have your tickets to see him at PNC Music Pavilion every morning at 7:30 am! ACM Songwriter of the Year award

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